We have been working hard to pack up the house....and along with that comes trying very hard to weed out things that we do not need. We have made one trip to the dump for larger things that we needed to dispose of and we have made a handful of trips to local thrift store to donate clothes that no longer fit and other household items we no longer need. We have also been able to donate clothes to other families in our church with children just a little younger than ours and pray that they are able to make use of the clothes our kids have grown out of.
Wow, moving is so much work!
As we prepare for Harvest Bible Fellowship Residency we are taking a nice vacation to Arizona to spend time with family. We plan to use this time to get some rest and relaxation. On the schedule is swimming and fellowship....looking forward to this much needed rest.
When we return we will complete the packing of our house. We are trying to be very organized in our packing with boxes that will stay in storage here in Iowa and then taking only the things we will need in Elgin, IL. Just got email today with our new address and apartment number. Praise the Lord we will have a 3 bedroom apartment to accommodate the entire family while we are there in Elgin.
We ask for you to continue to pray as God continues to guide and direct our family.